
Sunday 6 October 2019

Until I am fully recovered I will be neither posting or commenting, sorry will miss you all,


  1. Take you care John, don't worry for blogs.
    See you soon well

  2. Hello John, It is hard to read those blue letters. My eyes seem not to be able to adjust to that. But I understand you are not well? If that is the case I wish you all the best and take your time to recover. Blogging can wait. Good health is the most importend thing at te moment.

  3. Hi John,
    I didn't know you well unwell, please get better soon. Cheers.

  4. Sending you virtual hugs and lots of healing vibes my friend John. So sorry you are under the weather. You will be missed.

  5. Dear John,
    I do not know exactly what is the matter with you, but it is certainly not good. I therefore wish a lot of improvement and strength.
    A big hug from me.

  6. Fuerza amigo mío, espero que muy pronto puedas estar observando lechuzas en el campo. Los mejores deseos desde España. Un fuerte abrazo!!!


About Me;

Titus White:
Hi I am Richard Peglers friend Titus White, and those who follow Richards posts will understand the name and reason for it. I have been birding with Richard for 3 years and a volunteer at Rutland Water on the Osprey Project for 2 years. My early images were taken on a Nikon D80 with a 70 - 200mm lens. I updated the lens to a 70 - 300mm VR lens but still was not happy with the results. Eventually when Nikon announced the D7100 I decided to change so upgraded the camera and also invested in a Sigma 50 - 500mm lens.
I first met Richard through Arthur Costello as I was having the occasional visit from Little Owls on our land. We eventually found the Little Owls through another contact about 100 metres away. Photo's will follow on future posts.
I have recently upgraded my camera to full frame, this is a challenge I am at the moment enjoying trying to get the best out of the beast.
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