As Thursday was an absolutely foul day weather wise, it hardly stopped raining, I decided to have an afternoon out on Friday, which proved to be a far better day, albeit wet underfoot but what does that matter.
So I got under way on my usual route heading through the Little Owl sites but with no look this week, the barn I saw the Little Owl at last week had several tractors and trailers moving about as they were getting the barn ready for the Winter when the cattle will be inside and the farmer was emptying the manure from inside to give a good clean start for the Winter.
On arriving at Rutland I checked in and looked on the board, several good birds had been seen so I headed for the hides to see what I could find.
The board said a Bittern was outside Buzzard Hide, but it had buzzed away by the time I arrived. Also a Little Stint had been visible from Sandpiper Hide, not for me and the others in the hide but apart from that I had a super afternoon. Lots of Dragonflies were about but of course I had the wrong lens, always the case.
I finished my day by having tea at Eyebrook Reservoir and spent most of the time watching Swallows which to me seem very late heading South.
Juvenile Hobby, Shoveler Hide, Lagoon 3.
This bird was spotted for me by a lady in the hide who I see at the LROS meetings, it was unfortunately a silly distance away and even though we finished with four over the lagoon, they never came close to the hide so all these images are not that good but please remember the birds were 150 metres plus away and Hobbies are such fast flying birds, they were very difficult to keep up with.
Sorry for the poor quality of the images. |
I think I managed images of three of the birds and they all appear to be juveniles, no red trousers. |
Green Sandpiper, Shoveler hide.
This bird in Winter plumage, shame we haven't had a summer yet. |
Grey Heron, Shoveler Hide, Lagoon 3.
This bird suddenly appeared and I find it difficult not to take an image, they always appear so ponderous in flight. |
After a short flight it landed and was still with me when I headed towards some of the other hides.
It was reported that a pair of Kingfishers and young were showing on a regular basis at a Leicestershire reserve so I decided to make a visit doubting that they would turn up, but sure enough on arrival an adult was present and later on another was showing well. What a difference it makes when the birds are so close. I had to change my auto focus distance to the lowest available on the lens, if not the lens would not focus, what a difference when the bird is virtually in the lens hood. What a wonderful feeling to at last get some images, lets hope this is the start of seeing some more??. Whilst I was at Rutland Water a lady had seen two Kingfishers just outside Buzzard hide and they were close so I will have to visit again.
Still have more images so may find some space soon for a few more.
Kingfisher Male.
Such a beautiful bird with splendid plumage, had another visit Monday but it looks as if they have departed to pastures new, |
Kingfisher, Female.
She did not show as much as the male . |
Little Grebe, having just appeared at the surface.
Whilst taking the images of the Kingfishers, this bird appeared so a very quick image before it disappeared again.
Thank you for your visit, I hope you have enjoyed the images a much as I did in the getting of them.
Please feel free to leave a comment, I will reply to all. |