My birding pal Rhys Dandy having done some shopping for us called by to drop it off and asked if I had seen anything of any Peregrine Falcons, I had earlier that morning seen a pair of Buzzards being attacked by a Peregrine over to the corner where the Barn Owl boxes are situated. Rhys said he was seeing them on a regular basis over his garden, he lives about 400 metres from us farther into the village. He handed over our shopping and then spotted the female Peregrine a good distance away, he says they are nesting within about 500 metres of our land, hopefully when all this Covid 19 trouble is over I will manage to get closer to the nest , he then gave his farewell and went on his wayhome. We are so very lucky with having Rhys and to do shopping for us, we also have our friend Kate , she trains guide dogs and calls by at least twice a week to let them have a safe run on our land with no danger of her meeting any other people, she has done a large shop for us today and then we also have a couple that live opposite, Steve and Donna who also will shop for us so food wise we are well covered , just freedom to wander is limited. I have since spent some time sitting and waiting to see the Peregrines and it does seem that if the Buzzard appear, the Peregrine soon follow. Not sure as to how the Barn Owls will react but hopefully they won't mind, we are getting pellets under mostly the smaller box .One positive thing that is happening is the enormous reduction in the number of pigeons sitting in the trees all over our land.
Buzzard When fist appearing.
It appears these birds are nesting in the trees about 400 metres East of our land. |
The second bird then appeared. |
They circled about for a time, unfortunately my camera with the large lens was upstairs in the house so I had to grab the first camera that came to hand. |
Both Peregrines flew in to attack the Buzzards but I only managed to get an image of one, the skirmish was very quick and then it was over
Barn Owl Box, This is the box we think the pair are in, we are finding pellets on a regular basis under the front of the box. Hopefully the Peregrines will leave the Barn Owls in peace.
Thank you for your visit Ihope you have enjoyed it as much as I did in the getting of the images.
Osprey Up date
We have twenty adult Osprey returned to Rutland Water, The Manton Bay female is sitting on four eggs . It will be wonderful once these restrictions are lifted and I can visit these birds.