I decided to have a visit to Eyebrook reservoir on Thursday the 4th of April as the Osprey's with a nest in that direction had returned and I wanted to get and image of the male 03/09. On arrival I visited the area where someone spreads some seed for the birds and managed a few images whilst keeping an eye out for any Osprey. Unfortunately after only a short time my wife called to say our dear old dog was not well so it was a rush home and a visit to the vets where they decided to keep her in and prepare her for an operation on the Friday for a pyometra, this is an infection of the uterus. We collected her and brought her home on Saturday morning bless her. She is still very tired but recovering from her operation and enjoying some home comforts.
Female Chaffinch, Road side.
These birds were all again feeding in the area where some kind person spreads some seed on the ground and they certainly enjoy. |
Male Chaffinch.
Several birds were about during my very short visit. |
Yellowhammer male.
Suddenly these beautiful birds arrived in a flock of about twenty, its a considerable time since I have seen any so this was a real bonus. |
Yellowhammer, Female {I think}
Trouble was they did not stay very long but certainly appreciated the spread seed. |
Reed Bunting, Male.
First time I have ever seen this bird feeding on seed on the ground or at a feeder. |
But obviously making the best of it and enjoying the goodies.
I decided as the weather forecast was good and our dog was much better to try another visit for the Site 'O' Ospreys on Monday the 8th, and as it happened it was a beautiful afternoon with sun and 17 degrees, so whilst basking in the sun I watched out for the two birds. On arriving I met with two ladies who I had seen previously and they told me they had seen five Osprey in the morning, they had no idea as to ring numbers but had seen two at the same time, so it could have been a case of only two returning to go fishing. I saw the male bird first 03/09 but at a silly distance but I managed some images then he flew away in the direction of the nest but without a fish. Later in the afternoon whilst chatting to a gent I see on a regular basis, we both sat in the back of the estate car with the back up,, I suddenly saw an Osprey above us, by the time I got to the camera that I put on a tripod to make things easier, she had gone, yes it was the un ringed female {this is thought to be a Scottish female} carrying a very small fish, the language from both of us was not very polite I'm afraid, but I then drove round to the nest site and she sat on the nest with the male, I will see her next time.
Red Kite, Opposite Stoke Dry.
I suddenly had two Red Kites flying behind me which was virtually into the sun and not until after did I notice this bird appears to be carrying a bunch on feathers, could be nest materials. |
This is the second bird, this one not carrying anything. |
They are such graceful birds to watch in flight. |
Then a third bird appeared later in the afternoon, this one was also carrying something in its beak.
Not sure as to what it was carrying but if its nest material, it will take a good while to build the nest. Sorry for the quality of this image but it was virtually into the sun.
Male Osprey, 03/09 .
You can make out the blue ring on his leg, upon checking this bird was just over 400 metres away so these are really lucky images. |
He did a quick fly and hover and then turned around and went back towards the nest. |
Black Headed Gulls on the Tern Raft.
The gent I was sitting with looks after the Tern rafts and rings the young birds. He said he had seen a Common Tern in the morning, initially this was all I saw but then. |
Not the best of images but eventually I saw this single Common Tern sat on the far corner of the raft, give it a few days and hopefully the numbers will rise dramatically.
Juvenile Mute Swan.
This Swan flew by and I always find it difficult to resist a flight shot.
Thank you for your visit, I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have in the getting of the images. |