Having missed a Rutland Water visit last week,only to be told at the bird club on the Friday evening how good it had been on the Thursday, with Water Rail and even a Bittern walking along the path towards a very surprised lady.
So I decided to have another visit to Egleton and see what would appear for me.
On arrival I booked in at the centre and after a quick word with David who gave me a few pointers as to what and where birds would be found, I set on my way down the Reserve.
I visited all the normal hides on my way in but not until Osprey Hide did I find anything new. As I walked into the hide three people were already sitting, two with scopes and a lady with bins. I asked if anything was about and the gent on the far end of the hide said I think I can see a Red Head Smew, have a look, so up to his scope and sure enough a very long distance away with two Wigeon was a Red Head, very early for this bird to arrive but unfortunately no chance of an image, small bird , long distance.
I then visited Shoveler Hide and nothing much was showing close, so I then visited Buzzard hide, again nothing much to see so on to Crake Hide. A reasonable number of Teal were present so I sat for a while and watched some antics and then onto Lapwing Hide. Some gents in the hide pointed out a Red Crested Pochard and the American Wigeon. Both birds were at a silly distance so I made no attempt at an image.
I then returned to Crake Hide for the rest of my visit and as the light was failing a Water Rail came out from in the reeds for a short time, a delightful little bird but even with winding up the ISO not easy to get any decent images.
I then made my way back to the car park where I saw a Red Kite sitting in the top of a tree, being almost dark it really was a case of winding up the ISO and hope for the best, I could have done with my tripod but used the car roof to steady the camera, not brilliant images but not perfect conditions.
Teal Drake, Crake Hide. North Arm.
These are the first Teal I have seen this autumn, such a beautiful little duck. |
They are such a beautifully marked duck. |
Great Black-backed Gull, Buzzard Hide, Lagoon 3.
Sitting in one of the Tern rafts, a distance of 150 metres away. |
Teal Duck, Crake Hide, North Arm.
Decided to have a quick bathe, nearly for me as good as a flight image with the water droplets.
Carrying on a little longer. |
Then a quick dip under the water. |
Then a quick dry. |
Little Egret, Crake Hide, North Arm.
Wading steadily looking for a fish, then suddenly part run part fly and eventually got a fish about 3 metres to the start point, good eyes!! |
Unfortunately when it caught the fish, it was behind some reeds. |
And then back out to see what else it could catch. |
Water Rail, Crake Hide, North Arm.
This bird suddenly appeared out from the reeds on this area of mud just over 50 metres away. I saw two birds but this was the only one that ventured out onto the mud and then not for long. |
Not sure as to what it was finding. |
Then around and back whence it came. |
A quick run. |
And that was it. |
Grey Heron, Crake Hide, North Arm.
Then one of my favourites flew in, I just could not resist a flight shot. |
Then after landing , it walked up the bund between the North Arm and Lagoon 3.
Red Kite, Egleton Reserve Car Park.
Having left the hides as the light was going fast, its a good 30 minutes walk back to the car park,and sat in the top of a tree about 60 metres away was this beauty. So I stopped wound the ISO up to 8200,walked very slowly between the couple of cars remaining and used the car roof as a tripod, I am surprised as to how they have come out.
The second it heard the camera, it was away, the rest of the images were rubbish. |
Thank you for your visit, I hope you have enjoyed the images as much as I did in the getting of them.