
Friday, 21 May 2021

Sorry I have been missing.

Having just spent 22 days in hospital  with Sepsis, I have eventually been  returned home , I admit to feeling very weak and will for a short time be missing from blogging , I look forward to commenting in the future on your posts and preparing a post of my own.



  1. Hi John,
    Sorry to hear that news, its something that can hit you very hard. Get well quickly and take good care.
    Best wishes,

  2. Espero que tengas una pronta recuperación. Te mando toda la fuerza desde España. Todo lo mejor!!!!

  3. Welcome home, John, after what I am sure was a terrible ordeal. Get well soon and delight us again with your exploits. With very best wishes from Miriam and me. David

  4. hello John
    get well soon from me too
    Greetings Frank

  5. Just popped in to see you John and read this. So sorry to hear about your health. Feel better soon and a speedy recovery.

  6. Hello John,
    Not having been on blogger for a while, I just now see this blog. Glad that you are back home after this long stay in hospital. Hope your recovery will much quicker.

  7. Hi John: Just checking in to see how you are doing. Much improved, I hope, and ready to resume blogging. We are all looking forward to news of both you and the owls. All the best. David

    1. Hi David,
      I am much improved I am glad to say, but I must admit I hadn't realized how much it had taken out of me, I have been looking at numerous blogs with interest and hopefully it won't be long before I am back, but the hospital keeps calling me back, I am back twice this next week, I think the lady registrar who looked after me so well just has to keep checking I am recovering as I should.
      Thank you for the interest.

    2. Good morning, John: Just a quick check to see how you are doing. And how the Barn Owls are doing too. Leave a comment if you have time and feel up to it. Very best wishes. David

    3. Good Evening David.
      I am coming along Considerably well after how poorly I felt on returning home, and have actually had an afternoon out birding, it was wonderful just to be able to sit and watch the birds, as for the Barn Owls that's another story???? all will be in my first post that will be very soon.

  8. Oh my John!!!
    I haven't been on the blog myself for 5 weeks so I'm shocked!!! Be careful and take your time.
    Blogging isn't important right now, but your recovery is.

    Big hug from me,

  9. Hello Helma,
    The hug will help immensely, I am feeling better already! I am hoping to return onto the seen shortly, I must admit I have never had anything knock the living daylights out of me as this has.

    1. Hello dear John,
      Be careful and we won't run away.
      Your recovery is now the most important.
      Big hug

    2. Hello Helma
      I am on the mend and will I hope soon be out with my cameras.
      Thank you for the hug its done me a power of good.

  10. Hello John,
    I'm sorry for this ! Hope today you are better.
    See you soon on your blog.


About Me;

Titus White:
Hi I am Richard Peglers friend Titus White, and those who follow Richards posts will understand the name and reason for it. I have been birding with Richard for 3 years and a volunteer at Rutland Water on the Osprey Project for 2 years. My early images were taken on a Nikon D80 with a 70 - 200mm lens. I updated the lens to a 70 - 300mm VR lens but still was not happy with the results. Eventually when Nikon announced the D7100 I decided to change so upgraded the camera and also invested in a Sigma 50 - 500mm lens.
I first met Richard through Arthur Costello as I was having the occasional visit from Little Owls on our land. We eventually found the Little Owls through another contact about 100 metres away. Photo's will follow on future posts.
I have recently upgraded my camera to full frame, this is a challenge I am at the moment enjoying trying to get the best out of the beast.
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