On Thursday the 31st of May, I decided to have a visit to Eyebrook Reservoir as the weather was not that promising. On leaving home things did not look that bad and by the time I had got closer to Leicester the sun was showing.
However the closer I got to the reservoir the mist got thicker and on arrival it was more like an Autumn day. So I settled myself in for a long wait to see if the sun would make it to shine, this it did eventually late in the afternoon. During the visit I had a visit from five Ospreys but not until the sun arrived did I manage any decent images.
31st May.
Lesser Celandine Flower.
This taken at a distance of 10 metres with two very small beetles in the flower. |
Canada Goose.
This bird plus another had a quick fly past, so I always enjoy flight shots.
Male Osprey 03/09.
Whilst on site I saw five Osprey but this one eventually returned when the sun was out. He is at the moment feeding young at one of the nearby nest sites. |
At least I managed some reasonable images of this bird. |
Ring number clearly visible, what a wonderful bird. |
False Bombardier Beetle {I think}
This beetle suddenly appeared on the top of one of the concrete fence post about fifteen metres from where I was with my camera and lens on the tripod, so it was a quick about turn and see what happens, not bad for a 600mm lens.
6th June.
Doc Martin the secretary of our local bird club arranged a Badger watch evening at Calke Park, a large parkland area not far from home.
So I arranged to collect my friend Rhys from his house at 18.30 hrs and we headed away together for what we hoped would be a wonderful evening. The Park closes the gates at 19.30 hrs so its a case of get in before the gates close and as we didn't expect to leave until late go out through the electric gate.
Bill Cove the warden eventually arrived with a very lively Border Collie that ran round the car park like something on a mission. I thought this does not bode well but how wrong you can be.
Firstly Bill pointed out a Buzzard nest about 240 metres away, we had however seen one of the adults on a hunting mission earlier.
Whilst on the walk we several birds, then Bill said be quiet from here on and then it was away you go Bess and the Collie went walking along the path to the front of us, she eventually turned to the left and sat down and pointed with her nose, she obviously could see nothing due to the height of the undergrowth but Bill said she's got a Badger, this little dog was amazing and stunned us all with her wonderful sense of smell in finding the Badgers.
By the end of the session, Rhys estimated we had seen at least a dozen Badgers, unfortunately none came as close as we had wished but at least we had seen some, again unfortunately I managed no reasonable images, but we have been invited back anytime we wish so I will have another trip very soon, we all thanked Bill for his time and his offer for us toreturn, I must admit I asked another favour, when I return, could I please borrow his dog, this unfortunately appeared to fall on deaf ears.
Buzzard, From Car Park on arrival.
At the time we saw this bird Bill had not arrived so when he did and pointed out the nest it was obvious where this bird had come from. |
It very slowly circled it way towards us before disappearing to the left over a small valley and lake. |
A very graceful slow flight. |
Buzzard Nest as pointed out by Bill.
On checking the nest was 240 metres from the car park with two young in the nest.
Little Owl.
The first Little Owl I have seen in a considerable time. Awful image but had to include it having seen so few of late. Taken at ISO 12800.
7th June.
I was on duty for the afternoon shift, I was going to be with just Sheelagh as Barry has had and eye operation earlier in the week . He was complaining it was still very blurred and so returned to the clinic where he was told they had put the new lens on a piece of the cataract that had not been removed, so Sheelagh didn't arrive until about 14.45 hrs, I had a very busy time but with very nice and interested people so all was well.
The youngsters are really coming on well and have started wing flapping to build up muscle and are being very well fed by mum with 33 bring supplies of fish as and when required, two were delivered whilst I was on duty.
We had several visits from a pair of Water Rail and two Juveniles through the afternoon but they were so quick I never managed an image other than a tail entering the reeds.
Common Spotted-orchid, Path down to the Hides.
After leaving the centre on my way to Waderscrape Hide and my duty, I spotted this beauty at the side of the track and just could not resist taking an image.
Female Osprey keeping a watchful eye on the young in the nest.
This was the view when I first arrived in the hide, the male was missing and the female watching the young. Then we suddenly had four Osprey fly into the bay and the female was immediately into the air leaving the young very vulnerable to attack. |
Awful images but terrible light. These two intruders appeared to leave very quickly but the other two were hanging about even with the female pursuing them.
Then from where I'm not sure 33 arrived and saw off the remaining two intruders. |
33 flying round Manton Bay after seeing away the intruders. |
Reed Bunting, Waderscrape Hide.
This bird has already lost some of its colour, this is something I have been told happens at this time of the year.
Young Moor Hen.
These young birds were about the channels still, one of the birds I saw on my last duty.
Fledgling Sedge Warblers.
Suddenly we had a commotion in one of the channels to the front of the hide and these two birds were having a serious fight. It carried on for about two minutes with the intention of one drowning the other.
This poor little drenched bird made it back to the reeds using an over wing action. Then it sat to dry out.
Thank you for your visit, I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I did in the getting of the images.