Richard had phoned on the Wednesday to say he would like to visit his local patch and have a look at his Little Owl Sites on the Thursday so I decided to have another visit to Cossington Meadows and the Glossy Ibis and then head to Rutland Water after this. After doing all my jobs I managed to get away from home at 12.45 hrs and headed for Cossington, parked in the recreation ground car park and headed out across the fields. On entering the field where Rectory Marsh is situated I could see the Ibis immediately, but also about half a dozen people situated about 30 metres from where the bird was feeding on the bank. I took some record shots from the gate and then walked up towards the corner of the pool, here again I took a few shots. I decided to stay on my side of the pool as to join the other people, I would have to go back to the car and return to the roadside parking and then walk across two fields. So I decided to move slightly closer to the bird but not do as the gent last week and disturb it. I moved slowly along the footpath , I in fact went well away to the right of the path away from the pool and then walked slowly towards the bird. It soon became evident that I would be better to move back towards the gate. Where the bird was feeding was well screened by reeds on my side of the pool and as I didn't want to move any closer towards the bird where I could see over the reeds but then more than likely disturb it, I moved back towards the gate where I could move closer to the side of the pool and get some images. It was much easier last week as the bird was feeding in the water but this week was the bulk of the time on the bank and being screened by the reeds, perhaps could have done with the gent from last week to flush it out from in the reeds and out into the water. I was on site with the bird for about 30 minutes and then got on my way to Rutland Water.
I arrived at Rutland at 15.00 hrs and after a quick chat with David at reception who told me the stars of the day were 12 Whooper Swans that were visible from Fieldfare Hide on the South Arm and another six were on the North Arm. He followed this with its not worth going to Fieldfare as they are about 1000 metres away and even with a scope difficult to see.
So I headed for the Lagoons heading for Lagoon 4 initially hoping again for the Peregrine but again a blank, one gent said he had seen it in the morning but it was nowhere to be seen. I then visited Plover Hide and then onto Bittern Hide in case the Bearded Tits had returned, talking with the couple in the hide they had been several times trying to find them over the last couple of weeks and not seen a thing so I headed for Shoveler Hide. The weather had taken a turn for the worse after leaving Cossington and had become very cloudy and windy. After a time in Shoveler and seeing some birds I then visited Buzzard and Crake Hides, on entering Crake Hide I though I felt a few spots of rain, when inside it absolutely poured with rain and I was stuck for about 20 minutes until it stopped and I then quickly headed for the car park and hopefully some Little Owls but not holding my breath with the weather as it had turned out.
I passed the normal Little Owl Sites on my return journey with the idea of having tea at site 9. On arriving I met up with Richard who had seen two Little Owls at the site, one in the nest hole and one on a fence post, by the time we had our initial chat, only one was visible in the nest hole . From here I passed the other sites on my way home and saw a bird sitting on the RSJ at Site No. 6 but this was the last bird I saw and the light was going so I headed for home.
This weeks post unfortunately are all long shots, not by choice but due to the birds not doing what I required of them, so I apologise on behalf of both the birds and me for any lack of quality.
I have just read on our local bird site notes {LROS} that some idiots have again been approaching much to close to the Ibis and flushing it, this is so unfair to the genuine people who are turning up for images of the bird or just to see. it
I arrived at Rutland at 15.00 hrs and after a quick chat with David at reception who told me the stars of the day were 12 Whooper Swans that were visible from Fieldfare Hide on the South Arm and another six were on the North Arm. He followed this with its not worth going to Fieldfare as they are about 1000 metres away and even with a scope difficult to see.
So I headed for the Lagoons heading for Lagoon 4 initially hoping again for the Peregrine but again a blank, one gent said he had seen it in the morning but it was nowhere to be seen. I then visited Plover Hide and then onto Bittern Hide in case the Bearded Tits had returned, talking with the couple in the hide they had been several times trying to find them over the last couple of weeks and not seen a thing so I headed for Shoveler Hide. The weather had taken a turn for the worse after leaving Cossington and had become very cloudy and windy. After a time in Shoveler and seeing some birds I then visited Buzzard and Crake Hides, on entering Crake Hide I though I felt a few spots of rain, when inside it absolutely poured with rain and I was stuck for about 20 minutes until it stopped and I then quickly headed for the car park and hopefully some Little Owls but not holding my breath with the weather as it had turned out.
I passed the normal Little Owl Sites on my return journey with the idea of having tea at site 9. On arriving I met up with Richard who had seen two Little Owls at the site, one in the nest hole and one on a fence post, by the time we had our initial chat, only one was visible in the nest hole . From here I passed the other sites on my way home and saw a bird sitting on the RSJ at Site No. 6 but this was the last bird I saw and the light was going so I headed for home.
This weeks post unfortunately are all long shots, not by choice but due to the birds not doing what I required of them, so I apologise on behalf of both the birds and me for any lack of quality.
I have just read on our local bird site notes {LROS} that some idiots have again been approaching much to close to the Ibis and flushing it, this is so unfair to the genuine people who are turning up for images of the bird or just to see. it
23 rd October.

Glossy Ibis.
This image taken from the gate, a distance of 120 metres to the bird, a bit more color showing on the bird but it needed to get itself at a better angle to the sun.

The bird entered the water for the one and only time during in my visit, but the sun was to the left of this image.

And at last the full sheen, sun and bird in the correct place. Can't be said the same for the reeds.
I found it difficult to get a clear shot through the reeds as the bird kept disappearing either into them or with some partially covering it.
Glossy Ibis.
The bird entered the water for the one and only time during in my visit, but the sun was to the left of this image.
And at last the full sheen, sun and bird in the correct place. Can't be said the same for the reeds.
But at least I managed some images showing the reason for the name as "Glossy."
Curlew, Shoveler Hide, Lagoon 3.
This bird in an area that has become visible due to the reed cutting, image taken over a distance of 74 metres.

Stood in the middle of the birds was this G W E, having just finished preening.

It then decided to go for a fishing session.

But then decided to fly by the Hide but at a reasonable distance away unfortunately and headed towards Buzzard Hide.

After this I visited Buzzard Hide but could not see the bird anywhere.

Wigeon Duck, Buzzard Hide.
Wigeon are starting to turn up at the Reservoir in reasonable numbers and over the next few weeks will really be with us in very large numbers.

Juvenile Great Crested Grebe, Buzzard Hide.
Seems to have been a successful year for the Grebes seeing a reasonable number of Juveniles.

Cock Pheasant, between Little Owl Sites Nos. 5 and 8.
This bird sat on top of the hedge at the side of the road and just couldn't resist stopping and taking this image.
Stood in the middle of the birds was this G W E, having just finished preening.
It then decided to go for a fishing session.
But then decided to fly by the Hide but at a reasonable distance away unfortunately and headed towards Buzzard Hide.
After this I visited Buzzard Hide but could not see the bird anywhere.
Wigeon Duck, Buzzard Hide.
Wigeon are starting to turn up at the Reservoir in reasonable numbers and over the next few weeks will really be with us in very large numbers.
Juvenile Great Crested Grebe, Buzzard Hide.
Seems to have been a successful year for the Grebes seeing a reasonable number of Juveniles.
Cock Pheasant, between Little Owl Sites Nos. 5 and 8.
This bird sat on top of the hedge at the side of the road and just couldn't resist stopping and taking this image.